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Opening Jeanne van Heeswijk in Chabot Museum

On behalf of the Board, Management and staff of the Chabot Museum we would like to invite you for the opening of the exhibition:


19 Jun > 11 Sep 2011

JEANNE VAN HEESWIJK together with Mindaugas Arlinskas, Yun Bao, inhabitants Werthacker, Frank de Bruijn, Maurits de Bruijn, Benny Busborg, Yane Calvoski, Linas Citvaras, Floor Cornelisse, Rolf Engelen, Klaas van Gorkum, Ali Al Harbi, Iratxe Jaio, Huda Al Kazwine, Thijs Kelder, Wenying Liao, François Lombarts, Marcel van der Meijs, Jeroen Musch, Sonya Schönberger, Pia Sigmund, Paul Sixta, medewerkers SUS, Roger Teeuwen, Siebe Thissen, Joke Tjalsma, Pieter Vandermeer, Frans Vermeer, Anique Weve and Marten Winters.

Jeanne van Heeswijk (Schijndel, 1965) is active with her arts projects all over the world and was invited to America, Australia, Lituania, China en Germany. She also represented The Netherlands at the Venice Biennale in 2003. The Chabot Museum is the first museum to present an overview of her projects of the last 15 years. The works will enter into a dialogue with some of the social realistic paintings of Henk Chabot. For this particular occasion her work will also be shown outside of the museum in cooperation with various partners. In 2002 Jeanne van Heeswijk received the Hendrik Chabot Prize, the triennial prize for an oeuvre of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.

Opening: Sunday 19 June 2011, 15.00 PM.

The exhibition in the Chabot Museum will be opened by Korrie Louwes, Rotterdam alderman for Labour Market, Higher Education, Innovation and Participation. In the garden you will be able to enjoy the culinary art of the Wijkkeuken van Zuid, an initiative of Freehouse and Kosmopolis Rotterdam in the Afrikaanderwijk.

R.s.v.p. at mail@chabotmuseum or 31(0)104363713

Opening Jeanne van Heeswijk in Chabot Museum